It’s time for the second Technology and Sustainable Development conference, which takes place June 12-13th, in a cabin in Norway.
Update Feb 12, 2025: We are extending the deadline for submissions to Feb 28. All submissions should be submitted to henrsae@ifi.uio.no and majava@ifi.uio.no. The submissions need not be anonymised. (See the CFP for more details).
Also, we are finalising the details regarding the venue etc., and expect to be able to provide more information very soon.
Technology and Sustainable Development

The Conference
The second TSD conference will be hosted in Norway June 12-13th 2025.

The Book
April 12th marks the release of the book “Technology and Sustainable Development: The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno-solutionism” (Routledge, 2023).

The Research Group
“Technology and Sustainable Futures” is a research group at the University of Oslo led by Henrik Skaug Sætra.

“I’m thrilled to see the launch of this book, and I’m incredibly proud to present the work of so many great researchers – highlighting various aspects of how technology relates to sustainable development.”
Henrik Skaug Sætra